Genetic Programming framework
[Common GenetiK framework]

Collaboration diagram for Genetic Programming framework:


file  gp.h
 Main include file for genetiK::gp namespace.


 Strongly Typed Genetic Programming framework


class  genetiK::gp::Gene
 Gene: The node of the genetic programming tree. More...
class  genetiK::gp::Individual
 Individual: GP-specific Individual. More...
class  genetiK::gp::IndividualFactory
 IndividualFactory: GP-specific Individual Factory. More...


enum  genetiK::gp::ETreeInitialization { genetiK::gp::GROW = 0, genetiK::gp::FULL }
 Tree initialisation. More...
enum  genetiK::gp::IndividualFactory::EGenerateGeneFlags { genetiK::gp::IndividualFactory::TERMINAL = 1, genetiK::gp::IndividualFactory::FUNCTION = 2 }
 Node flags. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum genetiK::gp::IndividualFactory::EGenerateGeneFlags [inherited]

Node flags.

These flags specifies what generateGene should generate.

See also:
generateGene(EGenerateGeneFlags flags)
TERMINAL  The next gene might be a terminal
FUNCTION  The next gene might be a function

enum genetiK::gp::ETreeInitialization

Tree initialisation.

You can specify to the factory how to initializate the tree.

See also:
IndividualFactory(unsigned char maxHeight,ETreeInitialization treeInitialization)
GROW  It fills the tree with random node.
FULL  It fills the tree with functions until the maxHeigth is reached.

Generated on Thu Feb 23 12:21:39 2006 for GenetiK by  doxygen 1.4.6