GenetiK Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
genetiK::EvolutionaryAlgorithmEvolutionaryAlgorithm: The main evolutionary algorithm. This class represents the main evolutionary algorithm
genetiK::util::ExceptionException is the base class of all exceptions thrown by classes in the GenetiK library
genetiK::gp::GeneGene: The node of the genetic programming tree
genetiK::gp::st::GeneGene: The node of the genetic programming tree
genetiK::util::IllegalStateExceptionSignals that an objects is in an illegal state
genetiK::ga::IndividualIndividual: GA-specific Individual
genetiK::gp::IndividualIndividual: GP-specific Individual
genetiK::gp::st::IndividualIndividual: GP-ST-specific Individual
genetiK::IndividualIndividual: generic Individual
genetiK::ga::IndividualFactoryIndividualFactory: GA-specific Individual Factory
genetiK::gp::IndividualFactoryIndividualFactory: GP-specific Individual Factory
genetiK::gp::st::IndividualFactoryIndividualFactory: GP-ST-specific IndividualFactory
genetiK::IndividualFactoryIndividualFactory: generic Individual Factory
genetiK::util::LogProvided basic logging functionalities
genetiK::PopulationPopulation is a collection of Individual objects
genetiK::util::RandomThis class represents both the interface and the container of the Random implementation used in the genetiK library
genetiK::util::RandomDefaultThis class is the default random implementation with the 'Mersenne Twister' algorithm
genetiK::RankingSelectionRanking Selection method
genetiK::RouletteWheelSelects an Individual from a Population using Roulette Wheel policy
genetiK::SelectionMethodSelects an Individual from a Population
genetiK::StopCriterionStop condition for an EvolutionaryAlgorithm This class encapsulates a stop condition for an EvolutionaryAlgorithm. In particular, it may be extended to implement specific stop conditions
genetiK::StopCriterionMaxIterationIteration count stop condition for an EvolutionaryAlgorithm This class encapsulates an iteration count stop condition for an EvolutionaryAlgorithm. It stops when a fixed number of iterations has been performed
genetiK::TournamentSelectionSelects an Individual from a Population using Tournament policy

Generated on Thu Feb 23 12:21:37 2006 for GenetiK by  doxygen 1.4.6